Discover your erotic pattern!

Discover your erotic pattern to better communicate your erotic needs and preferences. Although you're likely to change your sexual preferences throughout your life, knowing your erotic pattern can help you get to know yourself better, so you can maximize your sexual pleasure.

The erotic pattern is your erotic personality in a nutshell, and there are five different types:

  • Energetic
  • Sexual
  • Sensual
  • Kinky
  • Metamorphic

The energetic

An energetic personality is excited by foreplay, security and the energy between partners. It's like the spirituality of the group. Excitement will be felt throughout the body. The energy emanating from the bodies will be powerful enough to enable her to achieve orgasms without there even being any tactile stimulation or penetration. If you like to experiment with sex toys and erotic accessories, and spend a lot of time on foreplay, you're probably an energetic person.


Sexual personalities need physical relations to feel connected and relaxed. They'll get aroused quickly, it only takes a look or a gesture to get the libido going, they have an arousal focused on the genitals and they'll be completely satisfied with that. Porn, orgasms, genitalia and nudity are all elements that excite them.


If you have a sensual personality, you like to be stimulated by all the senses. You need to be relaxed and stimulated by your sense of smell, sight, touch, sound and taste. You're artistic in the bedroom. The subdued atmosphere, music, caresses and perfume will all help you create the mood you need to feel confident in a sensual environment.


Taboo desire. The Kinky personality has a desire that is activated by everything that is taboo. BDSM, extravagant or non-standard practices will activate your excitements to reach 7th heaven. Role-playing, bondage, the unusual and adventurous will take the Kinky personality out of its comfort zone and excite it to the max.


Metamorphic personalities have a very open sexuality. They have the ability to adapt naturally to any type of sexual personality. Shape-shifters sometimes become what the other person wants, instead of possessing their own personality. The risk is that they tend to forget themselves in the relationship, so it's important to take the time to discover and communicate with your partner to be fully satisfied.

What's your personality?